Butterfly Pea Flowers Whole 22lb/10kg Retail Price
Butterfly pea flowers for tea true excitement in a cup with each flowers deep blue color, and natural color change ability!
Bulk butterfly pea flowers, quality and reliability backed by our 15 years farming experience with butterfly pea flowers.
Case pack is 22lb/10kg of whole butterfly pea flowers up to 16 boxes fit on a pallet. For additional bulk or volume supply please make contact direct. As a manufacturer ourselves we understand the importance of being a supply partner, ingredient supply is much more than a transaction.
Our flowers are grown organically, we work together with our farmers on exceptional post harvest management to create the lowest moisture content available on the market + a premium quality with superb color and shelf life for 3+ years due to our specialized drying process. Each flower is whole, clean of any other materials and free of pesticides or chemicals. Truly a "clean and green" product just as nature would naturally produce. .
Perfect for tea blends, production of syrups, beverages and foods using Butterfly Pea Flowers.
Contact northamerica@wildhibiscus.com for manufacturer or volume pricing.
100% pure butterfly pea flowers. A mild tasting tea with intense blue color. The flowers are a very high source of anthocyanin antioxidants. Butterfly pea flowers are is used for the traditional Thai welcome iced tea drink - just add a teaspoon of honey and squeeze of lemon to your tea and serve over ice. It has an amazing vivid blue color which changes to purple when the lemon is added. |
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