Our Flowers and Farms
FREE: This tool provides ideas on how our flowers and products can be used with different types of foods, drinks and flavor profiles of other ingredients. |
Butterfly Pea Flowers Too!Wild Hibiscus Flower Company works with more than just hibiscus flowers. Applying our expertise we are specialists in butterfly pea flowers with over 15 years growing experience farm to supply. We love our farming partners. We grow together!We have built important and genuine relationships with our farmers across the Australasian tropical belt and have a strong network of growers for year-round supply of premium seasonal flowers. Together with our farmers we have developed quality standards and unique farming techniques. We visit our farmers regularly and are constantly improving together with a view for long-terms environmental, business and community sustainability. |
Hibiscus Flowers
Edible hibiscus - also commonly known as Rosella flowers - grows on the fringes of rainforest and tall forest and is often found behind sand dunes in the tropical north of Australia. There are several native Hibiscus closely related to the rosella which are nearly as tasty. Originally it is thought to come from Sri Lanka but can now be found growing on every continent. Proof of its wonderful flavor and appeal to people worldwide. Health Benefits of Hibiscus SabdariffaHibiscus is very high in anthocyanin antioxidants and has been linked to lowing blood pressure and cholesterol in several international health studies:
Hibiscus Flower FarmsWild Hibiscus Flower Company Founder, Lee Etherington heads up our farming network, flower processing facility and logistics. Pictured below is the process of our hibiscus flowers being farmed. Seedlings are planted at the perfect seasonal times to yield the best quality flowers. Once the flower opens, the center fruity part (calyx) is hand-picked, de-seeded, quality checked and cleaned. (Sam Etherington, our Production Manager pictured below, checks the harvest). Depending on our production needs, flowers are either used whole in our Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup products, juiced fresh for our Hibiscus Extract or laid out and sun-dried for Heart-Tea, Hibiscus Salt and other dried hibiscus products. Using our system and techniques our farmers see the value in growing hibiscus as it becomes a cyclical “cash crop” which generates income within 3 months versus oil palm or fruit trees which can take up to 5 years to see a return. Our hibiscus plantations are also done cleverly without pesticides or chemicals which is a big plus for the farmers and our consumers. With our farmers, we have also developed ways for them to inter-crop hibiscus plantations with longer-term yielding crops. This helps sustain farmers steady income and therefore community stability. Starting out with flowers from Queensland, Australia we have now expanded our growers network across the Australasian belt. With growing demand we now chase the sun for year round supply of premium flowers. We have researched and developed how to grow the hibiscus sustainability, who could grow it, where to grow it, how to harvest it, how to prevent pests without chemicals or pesticides, how to manage it after harvest so the hibiscus remained in peak condition, and most importantly, how to consistently process the fresh flowers into the Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup. Under our supervision, our growers produce and hand pick the crops of flowers. The fresh flowers are individually picked, de-seeded, cleaned, graded and then packed into jars entirely by hand at our factory. Hibiscus flowers grow in several different shapes, so we place them in predetermined positions in the jar according to shape, to ensure that none are squashed. With such a labor-intensive process (a labor of love, really), it's difficult to produce vast volumes of our product at speed, but the output of our careful but efficient production process meets the export demands of our international market. |
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Butterfly Pea FlowersThe butterfly pea flower is a native from Thailand where it is called Dok Anchan (Latin name is clitoria ternatia). It grows on a vine producing bountiful crops of delicate blue and purple flowers which are typically dried. The dried flowers are used in Thailand as a herbal ingredient to many foods (such as rice and desserts) and in drinks. Butterfly peas have a neutral taste and very mild aroma kind of like peas. In some preparations there is no evidence of taste or aroma just the pure blue or purple color. Health Benefits of Butterfly Pea FlowersApart from the alluring blue and purples colors and high antioxidant levels of the butterfly pea flowers, they are highly valued for the herbal benefits when consumed or used in cosmetics. Whilst no scientific research has been concluded, it is believed in Thai traditional herbal medicine that butterfly pea has many health attributes such as being an anti-depressant, a hair growth stimulant and assists in memory enhancement!
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Bulgarian RosesWe source our essential rose oil only from the best rose region in the world, Bulgaria. The most premium roses are hand picked and of the world from Bulgaria. Prized for their eternal beauty, exquisite scent and flavor for food and beverage. We use the essential oils extracted only from the petals - not from the rose hips. Whilst we have no scientific studies to verify health benefits, rose has long been used for its therapeutic benefits. For example, rose is used to uplift a feeling of well being, as an antiseptic / antiviral treatment, and an aphrodisiac to name a few. We have carefully incorporated this supreme essential oil into our Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Rose Syrup and our Rose+Hibiscus Flower Extract products.