Lotus Root Slices in Gin Spiced Pickle Juice
$10.00 USD
No plant is more revered in ancient cultures than the sacred lotus. Lotus roots have a fascinating natural pattern with a mild flavor. #lotusrootgarnish
Sliced and combined with interesting flavors, our Lotus Root Specialty Garnishes are perfect for decorating cocktails and food.
- The infused liquid in the jar is also an ingredient ready to be used.
- Use the whole lotus root slice per glass
- Cut in half or wedges when garnishing
- Carve a slice into a unique pattern for your signature cocktail (see images)!
Choose from three natural flavors and colors to pair in with your creations.
Thin slices in a brilliant red syrup made from fresh-pressed hibiscus flowers and a hint of ginger. An intense sweet and sour punch for your next signature creation!
Ingredients: Lotus root slices, vinegar, cane sugar, salt, spices (juniper berries, cardamom, coriander, chilli).
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